Thursday 1 October 2015




Joy lies in the fight, in the attempt,
in the suffering involved ---  not in the victory itself.
(“Words of Wisdom“) by Shall Sinha Ph. D.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the city of New York was facing a serious dilemma.  The profusion of horses being used for transportation and commerce was threatening to leave the streets of New York looking and smelling like an open sewer. 

Debates about the best method to combat these problems were unending.  The invention of the automobile finally solved the problem and of course, created new and different problems.

We certainly owe a debt of thanks to people such as Dr. Joseph Glenmullen, Dr. Peter Breggin and a host of others who have dedicated their lives to challenge the bio-psychiatric profession. 

The public is certainly better served when it hears such eloquent critiques of a system so loaded with potential harm for the human race as a whole.  God knows that the bio-psychiatric faction of this profession has certainly patted itself on the back all the way to the bank.

However, rather than debate ad nauseam the pros and cons of bio-psychiatry, the psychotherapists and cognitive behavioral therapists must become so successful, that the bio-psychiatric approach to mental illness will be looked upon as the horse and buggy days of old. 

The cognitive behavioral sciences and the psychotherapists must become the newly invented automobile to replace the horse and buggy era of bio-psychiatry.

The way that the bio-psychiatrists are headed, what with their expansion theories that include depression, attention deficit disorder and a host of other newly named conditions, --- if they have their way, it won’t be long before they have the entire human race on some sort of mind altering drug.

The above scenario represents a horribly disparaging indictment directed at our Creator.  Those people who place limitations on the intelligence of our Creator fail to remember that at all times we, --- as mortal human beings, can only have partial understanding of life itself. 

When such people act in this way, they must be prepared to reap the whirlwind that their misguided theories will bring down upon themselves.

Yes, the ideas that I am putting forward in this book represent a deeper level of truth about how the human mind functions.  But in reality, they must be looked upon as simply a new platform from which others must launch new attacks against the unending unknown. 

Having a higher regard for our Creator shows up dramatically in the story of the discovery of Insulin.  Dr. Frederick G. Banting, who was born in the small town of Alliston near Toronto, finally solved the problem while reading a medical journal. 

At that time, people were still dying of gall stones that would lodge in the channel which should have carried the digestive juices that are made in the pancreas to the stomach.

When autopsies were performed on these people, the digestive juice making cells inside the pancreas had shriveled up and almost completely died, but the Islands of Langerhan cells, which were believed to contain the magical secretion to prevent diabetes, were perfectly healthy.  These individuals showed no sign of being diabetic.

Banting correctly recognized that he had to destroy completely, the digestive producing cells in the pancreas before he tried to extract any of the magical extract. 

Prior to this time, countless other researchers including the most eminent scientists in this field had tried to use extracts from the pancreas to cure diabetes to no avail.

When they chopped up the pancreas to make the extract, the small amount of digestive juices still undestroyed, which are used to tear apart the food that we eat, tore apart the magical secretion that we now call Insulin and the whole procedure became useless.  

Our Creator, through evolutionary forces, knew that the Insulin and digestive juices had to be kept apart and so he constructed the Island of Langerhan cells so that their hormone, Insulin, would be secreted directly into our blood stream. 

In a similar manner, our Creator is using the emotion of fear for more reasons than any of us will probably ever know.  But at this time, we can at least speculate that its most valuable use is to motivate us towards greater knowledge and understanding. 

If in the process of this search for deeper understanding, we did not see the fundamental truth about fear, then we would follow paths away from, rather than towards, deeper levels of understanding. 

To conclude that mental illness is physical in most cases rather than psychological in nature, is an example of such an incorrect deflection.

For me to put forward the ideas about conglomerated and distorted fears as being the actual cause of mental illness, is not just equivalent to, but far more important than the discovery of Insulin by Frederick G. Banting. 

One thing that Banting had in his favor that I do not is simply this; he could inject Insulin into a dying diabetic person and when the patient recovered his or her health, the truth of Banting’s discovery could not be denied. 

I do not have any magical injection to offer to the Psychiatric profession.  I only have new ideas which, if accepted and applied correctly by the right persons working in the psychological community at this time, will amount to a magical injection of new life for not only those who have been told that they are mentally ill, but for every living member of the human family.

The following quote occurs on page 234 of the book called, ---  Argosy To Adventure.  The book is so old that it was part of my English literature class in school about 64 years ago: --- The book was authored by Paul de Kruif. 

The quote is as follows:  “Why do searchers always have to go into the jungle of the unknown blindfolded and backwards??”   

The following quote is also appropriate.  “Truth is allowed but a short interval of time between the two long periods when it is either condemned as paradox or belittled as trivial.”

I long for the day when this new level of understanding that I am trying to put forward, concerning the manner in which the human mind functions, will be considered to be trivial. 

When that day occurs, an incredible amount of suffering and agony will begin to be eliminated from the human condition.   One of mankind’s greatest assets is his desire to be empathic. 

In this regard, it is not good enough to discover new concepts in any field of human endeavor, unless in the process, you develop the communicative skills that will allow your fellow travelers through life to progress to your perceived higher level of understanding.  Without this all important skill, your knowledge will remain restrictive rather than becoming expansive.

We deserve more peace and interpersonal harmony, which are the by-products of increased understanding and increased productivity, than that which we are experiencing at this time. 

You do not bring together a group of confused or stressed out musicians and expect to hear beautiful music.   It is my eagerly accepted responsibility to do everything that I possible can to promote the acceptance of this new understanding about the primary importance of the emotion of fear.

I do so with the utmost confidence that it is our responsibility to insure that the symphony of life in the immediate future, will not contain so many --- unbearable sounds.


Education is not a preparation for life.
It is life itself.
(Thomas Dewey)


(The following words are a paraphrased quote from Charles Swindoll.)

“The longer I live, the more that I realize the incredible impact of attitude on life.   It is more important than education, money, circumstances, failure, success or what other people think or say or do. 

It is more important than appearance or skill.   It will make or break a company, a church, a home.”   “We cannot change the past or the fact that people will act in a certain way.  

We cannot change the inevitable.   But we do have a choice regarding the type of attitude with which we choose to embrace each and every day of our lives with.”  

“I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.   You are in charge of your attitude. 

If you choose an attitude which reflects happiness and quiet confidence about yourself to those that you come into contact with, and if you constantly try to increase your knowledge, no matter what life’s uncertainties bring, you will live successfully.”   


When Winston Churchill was a member of the opposition in the British Parliament, one of his colleagues gave a speech deploring the inability of the party in power to make a decision. 

When he had finally finished, Churchill stood up and said: --- “You are wrong sir; the government has indeed reached a decision;  --- they have decided to remain undecided.”

What we are talking about here is the fear of making a mistake.  The age old and endless fear of failure.  Here then, is a formula for solving problems, which helps to overcome that fear. 

I first heard of this method while I thought I was “teaching” someone else about reacting to indecision.  It quickly became apparent that I was the student, not the teacher.

What is your problem?  List the options that are available to you which you believe will have the potential to solve the problem.  Pick out the best one and do it. 

If two or three options look like identical risks, choose one of them and do it.  If this decision does not solve the problem, after a certain amount of time, re-evaluate the problem and repeat the listing process above until the problem is finally solved.

Another person added the following thoughts to the above ideas. --- “In my position as head of our company, I find that if I interview four people about a problem, they will each describe the problem differently.” 

“Since they have been hired to concentrate on a specific area of responsibility in our company, their understanding of the problem is partial in accordance with their duties. 

My responsibility is to hear all pertinent sides of the issue and then formulate in my mind what the total problem is.  Then I use the listing solution to problems that you have just reiterated.”  



“When you plant a garden, you do not set aside a place for weeds.  Your mind is a garden of knowledge, there should be no place for weeds.”
Dag Hammarsjold


A lazy person is a perfectionist; --- he or she aims at nothing and hits it every time.

It has now been recognized that procrastination is a sign that the individual so affected is experiencing a high level of the fear of failure concerning the achievements that he or she is refusing to complete. 

The more intelligent that the procrastinator is, the more elaborate becomes the rationalizations for not completing the task at hand.

The above words in italics represent a paraphrased quote from a church bulletin board.  Many times, laconic statements such as this contain fundamental truths at their core. 

Almost all human beings are motivated to make something special of their lives.  But unfortunately, in many cases, people who have chosen to do nothing, have at the core of their psychological maturity, or lack thereof, an all encompassing fear of failure.

To assist such people in returning to more mature approaches to life, it is absolutely necessary that his or her family, relatives, friends, social workers or psychological therapists, direct their help towards the alleviation of such fears.

Slowly, but inexorably, they must build up the individuals confidence so that they can once again enter the world of trial and error that all of us must embrace in our individual journeys through life. 

One of the greatest rewards for anyone who tries to help such an individual is to see their eyes light up with eagerness and anticipation for the exciting journey of life that you have helped them come to realize is well within their grasp.  It is not a pipe dream.  It can become a dream come true. 


1.   Perform all tasks with enthusiasm and pride.
2.   Always strive to be the best at what you are doing.
3.   Always place the interest of the human race as a whole ahead of the interests of the individual.
4.   Always remember that little things mean a lot.
5.   Above all else, have fun at what you are doing.


Every achievement carries with it valuable lessons that a person can apply to other achievements also.  Learning to drive a car is a good example. 

When a person is approaching a green light, it can become a very anxious moment for the new driver.  Actually, using the word “moment” is rather misleading because it can develop into an all-engrossing level of anxiety also. 

The new driver must develop a level of skill that allows him to stop the car safely if the green light turns yellow at what could be considered as the “wrong” moment. 

The new driver is making this calculation inside his mind, but to learn the correct procedure, it is better if he says his thoughts out loud.  His or her nervousness comes from the unspoken ideas that are translated as follows:  

If the light turns yellow at this moment, I will stop. ---- I will stop.  --- I don’t know exactly what I will do. --- I don’t know exactly what I will do. --- I will go.

To overcome the anxiety caused by the fear of making a mistake and either getting a ticket or causing an accident, the new driver must increase his skill to the point where the words that he speaks out loud become, --- I will stop. --- I will stop. --- I will stop. --- I will go.   

Since the driver has removed the uncertainty from the decision, he or she will eventually calm down, and this achievement, --- facing a green light that might change to yellow at any second, will lose most, if not all of its potential to make the new driver nervous.  Eventually, the driver can stop saying the words out loud and it becomes a visual decision inside the mind of the driver.

Since you learned to drive a car many years ago, the above story is not of any value to you, --- is it?  If your answer is no it isn’t; I challenge you to think again.   What achievements in your life are causing anxiety for you?  

Can you define where the areas of uncertainty are?  What are the increased skills that you need to have a better chance to be successful at this achievement?  Are you willing to do whatever is necessary to learn these new skills?  

If you can not specifically determine what these new skills might be, are you willing to ask someone with experience in the area of your chosen achievement for help in visualizing them inside your mind more clearly? 

Are you willing to increase your knowledge and skill level at this achievement until your nervousness subsides considerably, or it is eliminated completely?

There is one thing that I should caution you about.  The human condition, or the usual approach to life that most humans follow is simply this; new successes in one or more achievements necessarily propels them to embrace even more new achievements. 

Be prepared to begin a journey that can last for the rest of your lifetime.  And one more piece of advice, enjoy every moment of the exciting life that awaits you, --- if you dare to make use of the ideas expressed herein.

While we are on the subject of driving, how do you react when you are caught in traffic?  No one in his right mind would find happiness or a contented feeling while experiencing gridlock. 

But how many times have you found yourself rushing to get home so that you can relax?  Why not begin to relax right now, right in the midst of a horrible traffic jam. 

If you are as lucky, as I am, you live in a wonderful city such as Toronto.  I used to affirm the following statement in the middle of terrible traffic jams.  

Achieve, achieve you wonderful people; it is your combined work ethic that allows me to live in such a beautiful city.  Of course then I would tell some so and so to get the blankety-blank out of my way.

To be honest, I did lose my cool from time to time but in reality, I added that last sentence for the sake of humor.  It is one of the best ways to help yourself relax. 

When you laugh, you are telling those around you that you are enjoying life.  Unfortunately, like most other things in life, laughter can become very complicated and destructive also.

Generally, if you are laughing with someone, or at your own foibles, it has a positive and calming influence on your nerves.  But if your laughter is directed at someone else, it carries the real potential that it will be the source of a great deal of tension and stress in the future for you.

Another important aspect of humor that should be used more often is simply this.  If you and another person experience a prolonged amount of genuine laughter, it eventually leads to more important discussions. 

Perhaps the level of relaxation, or the insights that humor gives to those who participate in it, allows the people involved to begin to talk about things that they were hesitant to bring into the conversation before.  This is one of the most valuable side effects of laughter. 

But to return to the story about tangled traffic jams.  If you have done your best to avoid the traffic, it is much better to make a positive statement about it then cursing the heavens for your misfortune. 

We still have electric streetcars in our public transit system here in Toronto.  They, and the buses also, get in a driver’s way and cause slow downs. 

After wasting my time thinking how much easier it would be to drive around the city if there were no streetcars or buses, I finally got my wish.

The Toronto Transit Commission went on strike and the cars and trucks had the road to themselves.  They turned it into a parking lot. 

Finally, I began to realize that after you have done your best to be as efficient as possible with your driving choices, you might as well sit back and enjoy the ride.  Or, move out of town and experience the pluses and minuses that any --- and all decisions carry with them.


There is no doubt that meditation is good for you.  It will help to calm you down and even more importantly, it will prove to you that certain mental states that seem to be beyond your control can be controlled if you know how to do it. 

The best procedure, is to know why you have become stressed and full of tension and change the behavior that is causing the tension which is a by-product of the achievement or multiple achievements that you are involved in.  

Understanding the role of fear and how it becomes distorted and conglomerated, will help to isolate the factors involved in causing the tension and then; it is up to you to find the correct method to slowly reduce and then control the concerns or fears that are causing the stress itself.

One of the drawbacks that I have for meditation concerns the fact that it takes up a lot of ones time.  If you are involved in a serious life threatening achievement, you will fail if you decide that you need to take time out to meditate yourself into a calmer state.  That is why I say that the direct approach to solving ones stress is preferable.

Another concern about meditation involves the person or persons who go to the top of a mountain and meditate themselves into a state of bliss and then seem to make the gaining of such a state as their ultimate goal. 

The world needs people who can be in the middle of gut-wrenching achievements and still maintain the necessary level of emotional control to be successful.  Give me that person, --- rather than the blissful guru meditating at the top of a distant mountain.


In another area of this book, I write about the fact that people who lived long ago were forced to do much more physical activity then they do today.  Our technological world allows people to earn a living with their brain much more than was available in earlier times.

It is the fear reactions to these mental requirements that activate the glands that secrete adrenaline and which builds up in the muscles of the body.  It is this build-up that causes problems that can only be overcome if the individual in question becomes involved in physical activity of one kind or another.     

Of course this necessity can be used in a negative manner also.   Apparently John Fitzgerald Kennedy believed that he needed to find sexual release to allow him to sleep at night.   This necessity can be used up within marriage but he did no such thing.

Part of the problem with such men is that if they are successful in covering up this so-called secret activity by outright lies, when they become involved in complicated situations they tend to revert back to lying to solve their problems.

There is a real good chance that Nikita Khrushchev from Russia actually only wanted to get rid of the missiles that were pointed at Russia from an American base in Turkey.  If by chance the Americans did not notice that Russia had built a missile base in Cuba, so much the better.

Obviously the Americans discovered the base and the Cuban Nuclear crisis resulted from it.   Eventually the Russians agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba, but only if the Americans would agree to remove their missiles from Turkey.  JFK agreed to these terms as long as the Russians were willing to wait a certain amount of time until the Americans removed the missiles from Turkey.

This allowed JFK to pretend to the American people that he had faced down the Russians and prevented the possibility of a nuclear war between the USA and Russia.   This was a real political coup for JFK which was engineered from JFK’s penchant for lying that he gained from his nefarious sexual exploits.

If you have trouble sleeping at night, do not let this problem divert you into covert sexual behavior.  Find another outlet for your excess energy which is derived from your ability to embrace achievements successfully.   Do not let this positive aspect of your personality allow yourself to engage in such destructive behavior.

There are any number of ways in which to obtain the necessary exercise to allow you to experience a good night’s sleep.   Without this balanced approach to your life, eventually you will pay the price either in the way that JFK did, --- or in some other way such as physical damage inside your body of one kind or another. 


To avail oneself of the finer compositions of music, in any of the varied fields of this art, is to give oneself a treasured experience that truly represents one of the finer aspects of life itself. 

On numerous occasions, I have found that if I am wrestling with cumbersome thoughts and/or puzzling questions, by taking some time out to listen to a good selection of music; I can invariably calm my nerves and reduce my mental tension.  

It is not entirely unrealistic to believe that such activity can have a positive affect on reducing or eliminating ones chances of developing Alzheimer's in later life.  Try listening to beautiful music more often.  I am sure that you will agree with me about its therapeutic value.


Who knows for sure why poetry is so important?  Maybe it’s the symmetry of the words.  Maybe it’s the fact that the author must try to give the most meaning to the least number of words. 

There are many more reasons why poetry is so important, but there is one thing that I am positively sure of; --- it is much better to actually read poetry than it is to try to explain it.   So without further ado, let’s get started --- enjoy! 


I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils.
Beside the lake, beneath the trees
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze  

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never ending line
Along the margin of a bay,
Ten thousand saw I at a glance
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee.
A poet could but not be gay,
In such a jocund company.
I gazed --- and gazed --- but little thought
What wealth to me the show had brought.

For oft when on my couch I lie,
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon the inward eye,
Which is the bliss of solitude,
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils. 

William Wordsworth


It danced demurely on the foyer wall,
A picture perfect prism of light.
Created by a gently swaying cystal,
Mounted in a window to catch the sunlight.

Red, blue, green, yellow and mauve,
Each to their separate space disperse,
Motivating me to pick up pen and paper
And with these items create this verse.

Life is busy, achievements are many,
Responsibilities beckon, hurry rushes in.
Smell the roses --- sounds so easy
Paying the rent, forces reality in.

Stress and hardships take our focus,
We have children that we must feed.
Time runs out before you know it,
Who knows what --- we really need.

Do not pass through life, in such a hurry,
Do not find fault --- in everything,
Sheer delight will overwhelm you,
When you see the crystal rainbow dancing.


I Dreamed a Dream.

I dreamed a dream in times gone by,
When hope was high and life, worth living.
I dreamed that love would never die,
 I dreamed that God would be forgiving.

When I was young and unafraid,
And dreams were made and used and wasted.
There was no ransom to be paid,
No song unsung no wine untasted.

But the tigers come at night,
With a voice as soft as thunder.
As they tear your dreams apart,
And they turn your dreams to shame.

I had a dream my life would be,
So different from this hell I’m living.   
So different now from what it seemed,
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.

                  English Lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer


I’d not give room for an Emperor ---
I’d hold my road for a King.
To the Triple Crown I’d not bow down ---
But this is a different thing!
I’ll not fight with the powers of (truth) ---
Sentry, --- pass him through!
Drawbridge let fall ---
He’s the Lord of us all ---
The dreamer whose dream came true.

Rudyard Kipling  (Kim)


And now the end is here and so I face the final curtain,
My friend, I’ll say it clear, I’ll state my case, of which I’m certain.
I’ve lived a life that’s full; I’ve traveled each and every highway,
And more, much more than this, I did it my way.

Regrets, I’ve had a few, but then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption.
I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway,
And more, --- much more than this, I did it my way.

Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew,
When I bit off more than I could chew.
But through it all when there was doubt, I ate it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall and did it my way.   

I’ve loved, I’ve laughed and cried.  I’ve had my fill, my share of losing. And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing.
To think I did all that and may I say not in a shy way,
Oh no, oh no not me, I did it my way.

For what is a man, what has he got? If not himself, then he has naught, to say the words he truly feels, and not the words of one who kneels.  The record shows I took the blows. --- And did it my way.  

Paul Anka

This next poem was written at six o’clock in the morning on July 30th, 1802 by William Wordsworth, while he was riding on the top of a (stage) coach which was taking him to the coast for a trip to France.   


Earth has not anything to show more fair:
Dull would he be of soul who could pass by
A sight so touching in its majesty:
This city now does like a garment wear
The beauty of the morning: silent bare,
Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie
Open unto the fields, and to the sky, ---
All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.
Never did sun more beautifully steep
In his first splendor valley, rock or hill;
Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!
The river glideth at his own sweet will:
Dear God!  the very houses seem asleep;
And all that mighty heart is lying still.

William Wordsworth


Behold her, singing in the field,
Yon solitary Highland lass!
Reaping and singing to herself;
Stop here, or gently pass!
Alone she cuts and binds the grain
And sings a melancholy strain;
O listen! for the vale profound
Is overflowing with the sound.

No nightingale did ever chaunt
More welcome notes to weary bands
Of travelers in some shady haunt,
Among Arabian sands:
A voice so thrilling ne’er was heard
In springtime from the cookoo-bird,
Breaking the silence of the seas
Among the farthest Hebrides.

Will no one tell me what she sings? ---
Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow
For old, unhappy, far-off things,
And battles long ago:
Or is it some more humble lay,
Familiar matter of today?
Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain,
That has been, and may be again?

What ‘er the theme the maiden sang
As if her song could have no ending;
I saw her singing at her work
And o’er the sickle bending; ---
I listened motionless and still;
And, as I mounted up the hill,
The music in my heart I bore,
Long after it was heard no more.

                                        William Woodsworth 


Looking ahead to what is not ---
And what I have done with what I have got.
I wonder if somehow the thoughts within me,
Shall die with the body that our Creator gave to me.

Will life give me time to pay back the debt,
That the soul must demand lest the mind forget.
Could I traverse through the journey of life
And never reduce man’s toil and strife.?

Living together with a common goal,
Enjoying the struggle of body and soul.
Meeting the unknown with courage and grace,
Increasing our knowledge just to keep pace.

Oh! For the chance to speak but one word,
One act or one deed to reduce the absurd.
These are the treasure a man or woman --- must desire,
If the heights of our Creator --- mankind dares to aspire.



Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth,

Then took the other as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
But knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood and I --
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost)


Here in my curving hands I cup
This quiet dust; I lift it up.
Here is the mother of all thought;
Of this the shining heavens are wrought,

The laughing lips, the feet that rove,
The face, the body that you love:
Mere dust, no more, yet nothing less,
And this has suffered consciousness,
Passion, and terror, this again
Shall suffer passion, death, and pain.

For as all flesh must die, so all,
Now dust shall live.  ‘Tis natural;
Yet hardly do I understand ---
Here in the hollow of my hand
A bit of God Himself I keep,
Between two vigils fallen asleep.

John Hall Wheelock (1886-unknown]


There is a beauty at the goal of life,
A beauty growing since the world began,
Through every age and race, through lapse and strife
Till the great human soul complete her span.

Beneath the waves of storm that lash and burn,
The currents of blind passion that appall,
To listen and keep watch till we discern
The tide of sovereign truth that guides it all;

So to address our spirits to the height,
And so attune them to the valiant whole,
That the great light be clearer for our light,
And the great soul the stronger for our soul;
To have done this is to have lived, though fame
Remember us with no familiar name.
Archibald Lampman


Let me write about our mental processes,
Let us walk through paths unknown.
Let the calm within our nervous system
Take us where no one has flown.

Let the warning constrictive feelings
Bid us stop where danger lies,
Let the storehouse of our knowledge
Increase itself ‘till danger flies.

In this world there must be something,
More than we have dared to see.
Hold my hand we’ll walk together,
Down the paths of mystery.



If you can keep your head when all about you
        Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
        But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
        Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
        And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream -- and not make dreams your master,
        If you can think -- and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
        And treat those two imposters just the same:
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
        Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the thing you gave your life to, broken,
        And stoop and build’em up with warn out tools;   

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
        And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
        And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your nerve and heart and sinew
        To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
        Except the Will which says to them:  “Hold on!”

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
        Or walk with Kings -- nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
        If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
        With sixty seconds worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
        And -- which is more -- you’ll be a Man, my son!
Rudyard Kipling

To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unfightable foe,
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go.

To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar,
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star.

This is my quest
To follow that star,
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far.

To fight for the right
Without question or pause,
To be willing to go into hell
For a heavenly cause.

And I know if I’ll only be true,
To this glorious quest,
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I’m laid to my rest.

And the world will be better for this
That one man scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove with his last once of courage
To reach the unreachable star.

                                                Joe Darion

This next entry is obviously not a poem but nevertheless it belongs here as a perfect example of prose at its very best.


Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence.   As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all people.  Speak your truth quietly and clearly and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexations to the spirit.   If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.  Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.  

Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.   But let this  not blind you to what virtue there is;  many people strive for high ideals and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.   Especially do not feign affection.   Neither be cynical about love for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.  Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nuture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.   But do not distress yourself with imaginings.   Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.   Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the Universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.   And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should.  

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him or Her to be, --- and whatever your labors and aspirations.  In the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul.   With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. --- Be cheerful. --- Strive to be happy.
The author of this brilliant piece of literature is unknown.   Let us go forward with the belief that it represents the best of what the human race has to offer.  Paraphrasing John F. Kennedy’s words: --- “Ask not what other people in this world can do for you.   Ask rather what you can do for other people.”        


The value of humor was discussed in the article about Red Lights in Traffic.    In the game of tag played by children, there are at least two reasons why children laugh in this situation. 

If the child is exceptionally good at avoiding being touched, he or she may laugh as a result of their superiority in that situation.  If their ability to avoid being touched is in doubt, they may laugh to reduce the tension concerning the uncertainty of the situation.  

I found the following short, humorous stories in a book called, --- “The Dictionary of Jokes”, and they were compiled by the author Fred Metcalfe.    They represent relatively innocent humor and I hope you enjoy them.

1.   Agent:   Leave your number and I’ll call you when I’m looking for someone to play an old man. 

Actor:   But I’m a young man.
Agent:   You won’t be when I call you.

2.   There’s no doubt that advertising brings results.  Yesterday we advertised for a security guard and last night we were robbed.

3.   Do you ever file your nails?
No said the secretary.   I just cut them off and throw them away.

4.   (Soldier) --- I proved to the enemy that this was no place for cowards.   
      (Officer) --- How did you do that?
      (Soldier) --- I ran like hell!

5.   (Sergeant) --- Fire at will!
      (Private) --- Which one is Will?

6.   (Prospective artist) --- I’d like to donate some of my paintings to a worthy charity.
      (Director for Charities) --- How about the institute for the blind!

7.   When I was a boxer they called me Rembrandt because I was always on the canvas.

8.   My uncle converted these cannibals to Catholicism; --- now on Fridays they only eat fishermen.

9.  Wife --- Whenever I’m down in the dumps, I get myself a new dress.
      Husband --- So that’s where you find them!

10.  Sales clerk --- This computer will cut your workload by 50%
       Customer --- I’ll take two of them.

11.   (Judge) ---I’m sending you to jail for 3 months.  
       (Defendant) --- What’s the charge!!!
       (Judge) --- There’s no charge.   Everything is free.        

12.   (Judge) --- What possible reason could you have for acquitting this villain?
       (Foreman of the Jury) --- Insanity your honor.
       (Judge) --- What?   All 12 of you?

13.   How did you learn to dance so well?   Simple, said the man; when I grew up there were 9 kids in our family and only one washroom.

14.   Our courtship was fast and furious.   I was fast and she was furious.

15.   (Policeman) --- Why is one side of your car painted red and the other side painted blue?  
       (Driver) --- I like to hear the witnesses contradict each other.

16.   There were 11 of us in our family.   I didn’t know what it was like to sleep alone until I got married.

17.   I met my husband at a travel agency.   I was looking for a holiday and he was the last resort.

18.   We went to a topless bar only to find out that it had no roof.

19.   She’s trying to diet and I’m dying to try it.

20.   My wife and I have an agreement that we never go to bed angry.  We’ve been awake for nearly six months.

21,   What is the last thing they do to a Tickle Me Elmo Doll before it leaves the factory? --- They give it two test tickles.

22.   They call him “jigsaw.”   Every time that he’s faced with a decision, he goes all to pieces,

23.   (Wife) --- I’ve changed my mind.
        (Husband) --- Thank goodness.   Does this one work any better?

24.   I’m in love with a beautiful girl but she doesn’t even know that I exist.   What should I do? --- Show her your birth certificate.


Fact # 1

As each goose flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the birds that follow in a “V” formation.   As a result, the whole flock adds 71% more range than if each bird flew separately.


People who share a common sense of direction and community can get where they are going quicker and easier because they are traveling on the trust of one another.  

Fact # 2

When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of flying alone.  It quickly moves back into formation to take advantage of the flying power of the bird directly in front of it.


If we have as much sense as a goose we stay in formation with those who want to go where we are heading.   We are willing to accept their help and give our help to others.

Fact # 3

When the head goose tires, it rotates back into the formation and another goose flies into the point position.


It pays to take turns doing the hard tasks and sharing leadership, as with geese, people are inter-dependent on each other’s skill, capabilities and unique arrangement of gifts, talents and resources.

Fact # 4

The geese flying in formation honk to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.


We need to make sure that our honking is encouraging.   In groups where there is encouragement the productivity is much greater. 
The power of encouragement (to stand by one’s heart or core values and encourage the heart and core values of others), is the quality of “honking” that we should seek.

Fact # 5

When a goose gets sick, wounded or shot down, two geese drop out of formation and follow it down to help and protect it  They stay until it dies or it can fly again.   Then they launch out with another formation or catch up with their original flock.  


If we have as much sense as geese, we will stand by each other in difficult times as well as when we are strong.


“Lessons from geese was transcribed from a speech given by Angeles Arrien at the 1991 Organizational Development Network and it is based on the work of Milton Olson.”     


A large percentage of the intellectual skills that I have acquired in my lifetime, were obtained at the local libraries here in the city of Toronto. 

In tribute to the extensive library system that has been developed here in the North American continent, and for that matter, in all parts of the world, I would like to see the following statue placed near the entrance to one of those libraries.

It would depict a young man (perhaps 18 years old) and a young woman standing beside each other on a pedestal.  Both of them would be in perfect physical health. 

Instead of holding barbells, they would be holding a stack of books in each hand as if they were lifting weights.  The caption on the pedestal would read as follows: 

“Join me in the mental exercise of the human mind, whose physical structure is restricted but whose creative dimensions remain unknown.”  



Nothing is as contagious as ENTHUSIASM,
it moves boulders, it charms bullies and brutes.
Enthusiasm  is the genius of sincerity and TRUTH
accomplishes no victories without it.
(Edward G. Bulmer-Lytton)

I would rather see the new practitioners in the field of psychiatry described as Behavioral Consultants to differentiate them from others in the psychological field who, because of their fear of change, would continue to have faith in old ideas which now must be discarded.

A brilliant and illuminating quote from Abraham Lincoln is appropriate in this situation.  “I will adopt new ideas as fast as they appear to coincide with the truth.” 

It is time for the pendulum of knowledge and success in the psychological sciences to swing in favor of the conglomerated and distorted fear model to explain mental illness and various stress levels that all humans are subjected to when they become involved in any and all achievements.

Once I can convince enough members of the psychological profession who have not isolated themselves from further comprehension, that understanding fear at a much deeper level, equals understanding human behavior on a much deeper level also, --- some exciting progress will lie in store for the human race as a whole.

In everyday life, if we are lucky, we are not threatened with death at any second.  We are however, involved with millions of small achievements, some of which are then grouped together under the heading of one large achievement.  

Each one of them, according to their actual importance, or to the importance that you assign to them, have the capacity to activate the emotion of fear.  

The level of that effect constitutes a wide spectrum of reactions, both as a determinant of observable behavior and of internal nervous reactions that can be hidden from others but manifests its potential for good or bad effects upon the individual’s body itself. 

Whether these effects are observable or not, if you are actually failing at the above mentioned achievements, or if you believe that you are, you will be experiencing stress which is simply a polite word for fear.

The people who live confidently are those who react correctly to fear by increasing their knowledge about the achievements that they are involved in.  

They know that they will make mistakes, but they do not allow those mistakes to rob them of their God (Creator) given right to live confidently.

Since we were placed on the face of this earth with less knowledge than is required for us to succeed, it is only through the emotion of fear that our Creator could keep us alive long enough to hopefully give us time to learn how to be successful at any and all achievements that we become involved in. 

And even more importantly, it is the emotion of fear that will ultimately motivate us towards higher levels of understanding.   Without the emotion of fear, it would be impossible for us to remain alive. 

What achievements are you either involved in or contemplating? At this particular time, what is your learned reaction to the fear of failure?  Are you afraid of the feelings of fear itself?

Have you incorrectly assigned yourself a position of inferiority because you are not able to function as good as someone else?  If your answer to these questions is a resounding yes, please know that no matter what level of failure that you are now experiencing, --- it is at all times negotiable.

To those of us who are considered to be normal, --- but who are not satisfied with the level of achievements that we are now embracing; I offer you the chance to embrace life more abundantly than you ever thought that you possibly could. 

To those who have been told that they are unable to function in the modern world or those who are told that they are mentally ill, --- I offer you a virtual return to mature, responsible living. 

Does this mean that you will never make mistakes?  Absolutely not!  In fact, because you will begin to embrace more achievements, you will make even more mistakes than you did before, so take it slow and easy.   Never forget Winston Churchill’s words:  “We will make a brand new set of mistakes.”

Change your personality slowly so that your mistakes will not be so large or serious that you will be derailed.  Learn from these small mistakes and in the process, become the complete person that you have always wanted to be.  

That is exactly the path that our Creator has us follow on our journey through life.  We start out with small childhood achievements and slowly move towards more complicated and important adult achievements.  If it is good enough for our Creator, it should be good enough for you and I also.

The best way to get on in the world is to make people believe
that it is in their best interests to help you.
(La Bruyere)

One of our basic psychological needs is approval and when a person’s fear of failure in interpersonal relationships helps to cause the very behavior that leads to rejection, we have the potential for a spiraling problem. 

In our daily lives, all of us face these interpersonal situations and life must be a continuous learning process.  When the above mentioned fear is part of a larger conglomeration process, we have the potential for someone to be labeled as being mentally ill.

It is my firm belief that before such a label is applied to a specific individual, two fundamental distorted fears must be present in their personality.  First, is the fear of the feelings of fear itself and second, is the distorted fear of one’s own thought processes. 

The problems listed above require intensive one on one therapy until such time as the individual’s reduced fears and increased knowledge indicate that to include such a person in social therapy would be appropriate.

The social therapy setting is one where problems are not allowed to spiral downward for people who are considered normal, and conversely, a step up on the hierarchical approach to returning those who were considered to be mentally ill, back to adult maturity and responsibility.

It brings a number of afflicted people together to discuss their problems and to negotiate different approaches to solve the problems, --- guided and overseen by a competent therapist.  This approach helps the person to reduce considerably his or her previous fears of failure and rejection.

Part of their problem in the first place is the mistaken belief that “normal” people solve such problems easily and since they cannot, this simple fact must prove that they themselves must be negatively different and inferior to others. 

Such an individual is given positive reinforcement, which will translate, into a higher level of motivation to increase his or her knowledge. 

This new negotiating and correcting approach to other problem areas in their lives will help them to successfully go about the business of changing their personality so that the desired higher level of success will occur and their approval rating with those around them will be higher.

What we have here is the maturing process, which is achieved at different speeds and in different ways by all of us.  Some  of the more serious failures in this maturing process, find themselves deflected towards psychiatry which, in far too many cases, succeeds in deflecting them even further away then before.

It is psychiatry’s poor performance record that is responsible for the negative image that is too often imposed upon anyone who is courageous enough to seek help from them. 

It is the acceptance of the ideas that I am putting forward in this book that will end this dilemma once and for all.  Altered, expanded and corrected Psychiatry, or as I would prefer to call the new practitioners --- Behavioral Consultants, will ultimately succeed on a much greater scale then is currently being experienced.

Just exactly what kind of relief or correction for a persons distorted fear of rejection, is offered by an omnipresent bio-psychiatrist who gives you a prescription for a neuroleptic drug and then tells you to see him again in 6 months? 

Who feels that talking about your problems will only make things worse and whose unspoken message is: --- I am a brilliant, successful and mature adult.  You are a dysfunctional member of the human race.  It’s not your fault, life is a gamble and unfortunately you lost when it came time for your genetic material to function properly.

With the increased knowledge that I have gained during my lifetime and as a result of my understanding about fear, which in turn, was gained from a multitude of books, written by brilliant authors; I know that fear does not only affect our individual behavior, but it affects the entire human race as a whole.

As our population continues to expand, knowledge must increase proportionately.  When this does not happen, our fear reactions cause avoidance behavior or aggression. 

While there are thousands of reasons that one could write about to explain why we had two horrendous World Wars in the 20th century, and countless other smaller acts of aggression also; perhaps the most significant reason is our inability to increase our knowledge quickly enough. 

This deeper level of understanding about fear will allow us to talk about reasons that are very close to, or perhaps even the actual core reason, why this aggression took place in our not so distant past history.

In the absence of sufficient understanding, we began to experience worldwide avoidance behavior, which caused the worldwide depressions. 

When we failed to increase our knowledge and when our problems would not go away, we resorted to aggression and ultimately World War, which is the fight response to fear on the most virulent and grotesque scale.

Out of these terrible conflicts came greater knowledge that we are now using to try to solve more of life’s problems.  Our airline industry would never have been developed as quickly or dramatically, if it were not for the war efforts.  Computers, medical advances, you name it, they all were advanced more quickly because of the war. 

Psychiatry was forced to admit that unrelenting fear for ones safety has a profound effect on human behavior and the term Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (or Syndrome) is now a part of our vocabulary. 

As a result of the above advances, more people than ever before in the history of the world live productive and peaceful lives. 

Since there are approximately 7 billion people on the face of the earth at this time, one could also say that proportionately speaking, we are experiencing more aggression then ever before.

The drive to procreate is so strong that as we learn to provide the necessities of life and the social conditions conducive to happiness and a better sense of worth for the people at large, we also reproduce at a rate that forces us to advance our knowledge even further.

Obviously the strength of the drive to procreate also applies in the poorer and less educated areas of the world.  Sadly, death from starvation, aggression, disease  and a multitude of other pestilences, both physical and psychological, combine together to somewhat check over-population in these areas.

But the collective desire to do something that has value and makes a person’s life worthwhile, motivates some people from more successful areas of the world to travel to these dispossessed areas in an effort to make a positive difference. 

Of course the side-effect of this help is to allow more people to survive until at least child bearing age and the pressures of population growth are again accelerated.  One could easily become discouraged and say that it is an endless cycle of negative actions that will never be corrected. 

Perhaps that might be true during any one particular person’s lifetime, but eventually, such dispossessed areas will ultimately begin to experience successful methods of looking after their ever increasing population.       

The above outline of the human condition, should not leave us with a negative outlook for mankind’s future.   As Stephen Hawkins says, the future of the human race is to reach out into space to learn how to live elsewhere. 

We can begin the work to achieve this goal voluntarily, or our continued population explosion will force us to achieve this goal simply to accommodate the expanding population.

Of course no one knows exactly what the timetable is for all of these new and necessary discoveries.  While we know that the earth is approximately 6 billion years old, we do no know for sure whether or not the human race will survive during the next 24 hours. 

One thing we do know is this, if some catastrophe occurred that made life impossible here on earth, we can not expect any of the other living entities on earth at this time, to overcome such a dilemma. 

At least not any of those life forms that are sentient beings, similar, but essentially limited to that which we find ourselves capable of.

The above simple fact should definitively dictate to us that achieving the ability to live elsewhere in this Universe, --- rather than just here on earth, is our responsibility to the human race as a whole,  and to all other forms of life on this planet also. 

I cannot tell you in definitive terms why we are here on this earth.  I cannot tell you the fundamental meaning of life.  But I can tell you this.  If we do not succeed in remaining alive, if the human race becomes extinct, we never will answer that question. 

As of this moment, we still have the potential, even though it may take another one million years, to give a more definitive answer to the above tantalizing questions.

Since the ultimate reaction to fear is increased understanding, then it conversely follows that in the absence of such increased understanding, increased fear and ultimately, increased aggression will follow. 

When you are forced to act, even if it is aggressively, understanding and knowledge have the potential to occur.  Our responsibility is to always continue to expand our knowledge on a consistent basis so that the other two options to fear are not practiced so completely that depression or war becomes inevitable.

One of the wars that we must constantly wage, is to boldly go into the jungle of the unknown and search for cures to the seemingly endless diseases and breakdowns that occur inside our bodies.  Frederick Banting discovered Insulin in 1923 when the population of the world was approximately 2 billion. 

There are underlying laws of probability in life that only our Creator understands completely.  I believe that one of those laws stated that the explosion of fear regarding the fatal disease called diabetes, which was proportional to the population of the earth at the time of its continued mystery; would at the same time result in an explosion of knowledge about this problem.

Banting got his brilliant idea that solved the problem of diabetes while he was reading a medical magazine.  I believe that there are intersecting lines of increased fear and increased knowledge that dictate that new knowledge will be found by the human race concerning any one particular achievement.

Where are those two intersecting lines for cancer?  I hope that it is somewhere before we reach 8 billion.  Some of them have already been found. 
Perhaps many more are waiting to be found.  Perhaps one unifying theory for the cause of Cancer will provide the same dramatic breakthrough that Insulin did for diabetes.

Where are the two intersecting lines for more understanding about how the human mind functions?   Since I am writing these words as part of this book, and since I am convinced of the veracity of the ideas expressed herein; I believe that the hoped for breakthrough in this area will occur before we reach 9 billion people.  

I would like to have said 8 billion, but from the extensive reading that I have done over my lifetime, I have become painstakingly aware of the simple truth that the human race changes at an exceedingly slow pace. 

In this regard, I am not excluded.  In one form or another, I have procrastinated, dodged, derailed and delayed the writing of this book for more years than I am willing to admit.

What makes me think that there is a maximum level of population for each specific new level of understanding?  Because in the case of increased knowledge about the functioning of the human mind, if we do not achieve this increase, then we will fall back into aggression and kill each other off at a rate that will keep us below either the 9 billion mark that I have guessed, or the actual mark that only our Creator knows for sure.        

Eventually, the inevitable march of time will push us through the 8 billion mark, which I predict will occur when the new understanding contained in this book is accepted.  Of course I am only estimating about the 9 billion mark, it could be more or less.  Let’s hope it is less.

Social therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Psychotherapy, Psychiatry and many other positive therapies are all converging on the misguided theories of bio-psychiatry.  The level of success that they have already achieved is not recognized as completely as it should be. 

Unfortunately, that is because such people who were told that they are mentally ill and are now living normal productive lives, do not advertise their successful journey back to good mental health. 

They know that others are skeptical of this journey.  These skeptics believe that such an individual will “backslide” at any moment and they don’t want them around.  And so such people keep quiet about their past.    

How many more people, whose problems are all negotiable, are going to be given neuroleptic drugs and set aside as being physically damaged and consigned to an unnecessary role in life as having reached the essence of the level of tension that they can embrace and left on drugs for the remainder of their lives?         

How many others will be told that because of a chemical imbalance inside their brain, that they are defective and dependent, instead of being perfectly normal and productive?

How many more people are going to commit suicide who, with the proper help and empathy, might still be alive today? 

How much longer are people who are actually capable of shouldering life’s responsibilities, going to give up in despair because we have failed to understand more completely the actual manner in which the human mind functions?

How much longer must we stumble along in the darkness, before these new ideas assume the place of importance that they deserve? 

To write this book and by so doing, help to shorten 
that time and illuminate that darkness is definitely the most valuable action that I have ever embraced in my entire life.

For the accumulated good of the entire human race, I emphatically implore you to join with me in this meritorious battle against the partial understanding by some, and the total misunderstanding by others, that now prevails. 

In our unending quest for knowledge, it is my firm belief that the human race has been programmed by our Creator with the potential to be successful in our journey towards the ultimate goal that our Creator has programmed us to constantly search for. 

It is that search and that striving that constitutes the very essence of life itself.  It is a journey without end and without parallel in value.    

For the human race itself, it is my resolute and unshakeable belief that we have the potential to be the masters of our fate as far into the future as our incredible imaginary powers allow us to perceive. 


Stephen Adams


The Resilience Factor --- Karen Revitch Ph. D & Andrew Shatte Ph. D. (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) ---

Glory Enough For All --- CBC TV Movie about Frederick Banting  (The man who discovered Insulin)

Interplay --- Jerome L. Jacobs M.D. --- (Psychiatric casualties from the first World War)

Stuttering Solved (1976) -- Martin F. Swartz Ph. D

Out With It ---  Katherine Preston

The King’s Speech --- Mark Logge [Lionel’s son]

[Concerning Migraine Headaches] Cloud’s Of Glory --- [About R.E. Lee] --- Micheal Korda

Psychotherapy:  The Hazardous Cure --- Dorothy Tennov

As I Am --- Patricia Neal 

(Sexual Mysteries) --- Dr. Joseph Glenmullen

Fear (Learning To Cope) --- Dr. A. G. Forgione

Argosy To Adventure --- C. Bennett & L. Pierce

Freud Fainted --- Samuel Rosenberg --- (Freud & Jung)

How To Become A Schizophrenic --- John Modrow

Schizophrenia & Manic Depression Disorder --- E. Torrey Fuller

Beyond Prozac --- Dr. Michael J. Norden M. D.

From Ann Landers column in The Toronto Star Newspaper

Toxic Psychiatry --- Dr. Peter Breggin --- (The Genain Quadruplets)

Stop Stuttering --- (1986) --- Martin F. Scwartz Ph. D.  (Supersensitive Vocal Chords)

Understanding Stuttering --- Elaine Kelman

Citizens of London --- Lynne Olson

Rebel Souls --- Justin Martin

Making The Prozac Decision --- Carol Turkington

The Antidepressant Solution --- Dr. Joseph Glenmullen

Wounds Of War --- Herbert Hendin & Ann  Pollinger Haas

B. F. Skinner (a life) --- Daniel W. Bjork

Words Of Wisdom --- Shall Sinha Ph. D.

Dictionary Of Jokes --- Frederick Metcalfe

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